Try BoardWorks™ for Free

Share securely, work effectively — transform the way you manage and distribute board materials with Computershare’s board portal solution, BoardWorks.

Better board meetings start with BoardWorks! 

Put an end to communication and collaboration challenges when preparing and executing your next board meeting. With BoardWorks, you gain:  

Seamless collaboration

Easily collaborate with your board anytime, from any device

Increased security

Gain peace of mind documents are shared securely

Improved productivity

Advance decision making, workflows, and prep time

All-inclusive platform

Everything you need for meeting preparation right from the start - without upgrades or add-ons

 Start your hassle-free trial today

  1. Sign up by filling out our free trial form and one of our experts will help set you up.
    No credit card or payment required.

  2. Test the wide range of features for directors and administrators.
    Client Support is standing by to help when needed!

  3. Fall in love with BoardWorks and wonder how you’ve managed your meetings without it for so long.

Join our client community

BoardWorks makes loading materials much easier than with our previous provider. Creating and accessing material is more straightforward and the platform is more intuitive for our directors. Initial training for the site was comprehensive and when a new board member recently joined they were trained up quickly on the solution.

– Frank Stokes CFO, Castle Biosciences

Sign up for a free trial of BoardWorks today

Fill out the form below and one of our board portal experts will contact you to get you set up with the platform.